Sunday, 16 June 2013

There's been a birthday ...

It was going to be a different kind of day from the usual birthday, so I decided that I would register as a volunteer at the Festival Franco-Ontarien.   In its 38th year, it was held from 13th-15th June at Major Hill Park; situated very close to the Houses of Parliament in Ottawa.  The purpose of the festival is a celebration for the Francophones living in the province of Ontario.  It featured singers, bands, entertainment for children and families, food stalls, etc.  My role was to give information, and to ask people to complete surveys - how they heard about the event etc - I was quite busy for the four hours.  I had a passport-bracelet that let me into the events in the evening, but I was too worn out to go back for those.  Here's a picture of my outfit ..

Earlier in the day, I had had the pleasure of having an IM chat with daughter (in the Philippines, but on her way to Bangkok) and opening a couple of posted birthday cards - here is my little card corner -

I caught the bus into Ottawa very early (only one per hour early on Saturday mornings) and had a couple of fresh bagels for breakfast in the Byward Market - it was sunny and warm, and I sat next to the pavement in the shade watching the stall-holders setting up for (what turned out to be) a busy day.

After my shift, I got home and had to have a nap as I was exhausted.  When I woke up, I had a couple of messages on Facebook and some e-cards to open ...  here's a close up of one particular favourite card ...'s amazing how similar we are !

And lastly, it being a special occasion and all, I decided to remodel my room - so here's the current layout ...

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